(This program has expired)
Over the past weekend (June 27, 2018), donors of all kinds gathered at the Skamania Lodge in Stevenson, Washington to learn about, and raise money for, the upcoming work of The Carter Center. President Carter and his wife Mrs. Rosalynn Carter were both in attendance and interacting with the crowd. At the weekend’s end, the auction items and donations combined to raise $3.7M for the Carter Center programs.
Among the various items presented at auction was a copy of America’s Favorite Flies Presentation Edition Book. Alongside the book was a framed display that featured a page spread of the Carters’ Black Ant fishing fly. The pages show the donated fly tied by Jimmy Carter himself. The framed text includes the press proof excerpt that explains the history our previous President has had with his favorite “Black Ant” fly. (all pictured above). At auctions end, the winner closed the Presentation Book and framed piece at $27,000. Closing at a value well above retail, it almost goes without saying that the bidders at the Carter Center had much bigger things on their minds – Cleaner fisheries that is!
About “America’s Favorite Flies”
“America’s Favorite Flies” is a nationwide collaborative project coordinated by John Bryan and Rob Carter, with David Watterworth as Chief Instigator, and John Henley as Chief Photographer. The centerpiece of the project is a landmark book self-published in 2017. This unique book is a collaborative donation of flies and stories from over 245 different individuals. President Carter and his wife Rosalynn are but one fly entry in the book. They are, however, the only Presidential couple to have donated a fly to the project. “America’s Favorite Flies” is a special celebration of our nation’s boundless opportunities to fly fish. What better way to paint the picture of appreciation and concern for our native waters than to compile hundreds of favorite stories? The Carters and many others share the same passion for fly fishing that thousands of American citizens also share. The best part about this book project is that financial proceeds from all sales are gifted to the James River Association and the Native Fish Society. Both nonprofits work tirelessly to keep and maintain healthy fisheries nationwide.
C. Forbes Inc.’s Involvement
Owner of C. Forbes, Inc., Chip Forbes, was lucky enough to have met authors John Bryan and Rob Carter at an event in Richmond, Virginia. At that event, Rob and John explained their book project to Chip. Chip was so encouraged by their undertaking that he offered to help merchandise the project with high-end products. So the online shop was born! Now, “America’s Favorite Flies” is accompanied by an interactive website and eCommerce store (www.americasfavoriteflies.com/shop/). Visit the web store today to help in finding the nonprofit beneficiaries of this project. Cleaner waters for tomorrow will be a direct reflection of our action today – So get involved! Stay informed. Keep on fishin’!